Conditions we treat
We accept patients aged 18 and over who are deemed to be post-acute and medically stable.
Conditions we treat include, but are not restricted to:
- acquired brain injury
- traumatic including hypoxic brain injury (TBI)
- incomplete cervical spinal cord lesions, and incomplete or complete thoracic or lumbar spinal cord lesions (of any cause)
- peripheral neuromuscular disease eg Guillain Barré syndrome, critical illness neuropathy, polymyositis
- neurodegenerative disorders (eg multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease etc)
- stroke
- functional neurological disorders
- prolonged disorders of consciousness (PDOC)
- post-operative neuro rehabilitation for patients who have had neurosurgery
- post-operative rehabilitation following major joint surgery
- respite including respite for patients with mild challenging behaviours, early-stage dementia, learning disability and autism.